Our Works
Swayamsiddha - A Mission with a Vission.
Swayamsiddha - A Mission with a Vission.
Nukkad Natak organized by SWAYAMSIDDHA, is to generate awareness among girls and parents in slum areas.
The main objective of the SWAYAMSIDDHA is to create awareness and educate people about various Human rights and how it is an important tool.
Women Empowerment is the process that creates power in women to live a happy and respectable life in a society.
SWAYAMSIDDHA is focusing on Simple, safe and effective interventions for the special needs of the community.
Environmental Conservation is practice of us humans to save the environment from collapsing ecosystems due to pollution and human activities.
Personality Develoment, Theatre and Acting, Public Speaking, Career Guidence for Supporting Under Priviledge Children on behalf of SWAYAMSIDDHA.